李伯珊 主任医师 名老专家 毕业于华西医科大学,从事医学临床工作三十余年。四川省医学会精神医学专委会委员,四川省精神康复专业委员会委员,四川省司法精神疾病鉴定规则技术小组成员,四川省及成都市医学会医疗事故技术鉴定专家库成员,成都市劳动能力鉴定委员会医疗卫生专家库成员,成都市未成年人心理咨询中心专家库成员。擅长诊治情绪紊乱(焦虑、抑郁、心烦易怒)、精神障碍、行为异常等精神疾病。
Li Boshan .Chief Physician .Famous Expert . Graduated from West China Center of Medical Sciences, she has engaged in medical clinic work for around 30 years. As the member of Psychiatric Professional Committee of Sichuan Province Medical Association, Mental Rehabilitation Professional Committee of Sichuan Association of Rehabilitation Medicine, Sichuan Forensic Psychiatric Appraisal Rule and Technology Group, Medical Negligence Authentication expert Database of Sichuan and Chengdu Medical Association, Healthcare Expert Database of Chengdu Labor Appraisal Committee and Chengdu Exert Database of Minor Psychological Consultation Center, she is skilled at the diagnosis of emotional disturbance (anxiety, depression and testiness), mental disorder, abnormal behavior, etc. mental diseases.
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